Montessori Alumni

The Montessori Palau Former Alumni Association is made up all the former students of the School who completed their education at the Centre. Montessori Alumni was started in 2010 with the intention of fostering and promoting relations among alumni in the fields of work, leisure, sports and culture.

The association also aims to support the professional and personal growth of its members, to encourage and create opportunities for networking among members and to provide a framework for sharing knowledge through meetings, conferences and gatherings.

Together with the Montessori Palau school, the Association promotes the 'Experience in Business' programme for students who have finished 4th year of ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education). This is an agreement between the school and companies that are either owned or managed by alumni, which allows students to spend time at the company and get to know the basic aspects, requirements and daily routines of the operation.

One of the first actions carried out by Montessori Alumni was the organisation, in 2011, of a meeting of alumni at the Association’s premises to which more than 600 participants from all the years attended. The association is currently working on a number of activities to enhance collaboration between former alumni and school, one of which is the creation of a new website.


Are you a former student? Update your personal details!

Since the 50th anniversary of the school, we have been updating the database of former students. If you don't want to miss any of the activities that the Montessori Alumni Association organizes, you can update your personal details at the following link.