Quality System

An excellent management system at the service of education

“Educational innovation must be linked to quality management in order to ensure that new ideas can be applied with the aim of offering the educational quality the students deserve" Montessori Palau Girona


  • An excellent management system offering the best education
  • Organisation based on continuous improvement in the educational processes
  • First Catalan school to be awarded the 500+ European Seal of Excellence

The management of the Montessori Palau school in Girona is based on internationally recognised models in order to offer the best education, starting from the basis that good educational results are intimately linked to excellent organisation and from the premise of continuous improvement. The school has obtained the 500+ European Seal of Excellence that endorses the school's management and makes it the first school in Catalonia to receive the highest award in quality awarded by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). In addition, since 2001, it has been certified ISO 9001:2015.

Already contained within the motto of Montessori Palau Girona, "Ad virtutem discendo", is the idea of an organisation based on continuous evolution and learning. This educational philosophy also applies to management which is subject to a rigorous Quality System verified by the European Foundation for Quality Managment (EFQM), awarding it the 500+ European Seal of Excellence, and which, since 2001, has been certified under the ISO 9001:2015 standard.


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Already contained within the motto of Montessori Palau Girona, "Ad virtutem discendo", is the idea of an organisation based on continuous evolution and learning. This educational philosophy also applies to management which is subject to a rigorous Quality System verified by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), awarding it the 500+ European Seal of Excellence, and which, since 2001, has been certified under the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

Montessori Palau Girona is committed to continuous improvement and, in order to achieve this, employs a working method in which objectives are defined and the necessary changes planned and implemented in order to achieve these objectives. The results are then evaluated. Based on the data obtained, and taking the school environment into account, new objectives are set with the aim of identifying those aspects that can be improved, taking the right decisions and measuring how far the commitments that have been made to the students and their families have been met.

For this reason, the school evaluates:

  1. Students' performance, with the aim of understanding the learning process and providing the most appropriate educational support for their needs (this forms part of the departmental and subject-specific programming employed in the classroom).
  2. The functioning and organisation of Montessori Palau Girona, monitoring the performance indicators relating to its activity.

The evaluation system employs around three hundred indicators, notable among which are the external audits and evaluations such as compulsory external exams, university entrance and foreign language exams. Internal tests are also conducted to assess the attainment of basic skills, neuropsychological tests and surveys of parents, students and school staff. In addition, performance indicators for the various processes are recorded.

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Links of interest:

Club excelencia en gestión (management excellence Club)
European Foundation for Quality Managment (EFQM)