The Staff Training Plan, a priority
The personnel of the Montessori Palau School comprises around one hundred and eighty people, divided between teaching and non-teaching staff. One of the priorities of the School is to have a workforce that is both stable and involved in the educational project. For this reason we employ a very rigorous process of selection when recruiting new personnel.
At Montessori Palau Girona, the staff training plan is a priority and is understood as a basic tool for cohesion of the teams, as the single most important factor in the relationship with the students and that it guarantees excellence in the education the School provides.
The Management of Montessori Palau Girona comprises a multidisciplinary team that constantly researches and analyses educational and management technologies and which has been trained in this field in order to be able to implement such technologies within the School.
The teachers of Infant and Primary Education courses have, in addition to official qualifications, the Montessori Assistants to Infancy Diploma awarded by the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI).
- All Secondary and Baccalaureate teachers have official qualifications complemented by other training in cooperative learning and various innovative methodologies. Additionally, some of these teachers have AMI Primary Education training and the Montessori Cleveland orientation course for Secondary education, recognised by the AMI and the North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA).
The work of the teachers and the prepared environment is subject to outside consultation and periodic revisions by external Montessori trainers.