Registration for the Secondary Education stage

The guided visits to Secondary Education take place on the last Friday of every two month period and consist of an observation in the classrooms of Secondary and Baccalaureate Education and an informative talk with the Pedagogical Coordinator for the stage.

This option is especially designed for families who are interested in finding out about the educational project that trains children in the skills of creativity, autonomy, responsibility and entrepreneurship, with individualised teaching achieved by working with just a few students per teacher and in very large classrooms equipped with the latest technologies. We inform you that this activity is in Catalan.

These visits are carried out in small groups of maximum 6 people.

Sedondary Education
  • Friday, 11th November de 2022. 9.30 h
  • Friday, 24th March 2023. 9.30 h
  • Friday, 28th April 2023. 9.30 h
  • Friday, 26th May 2023. 9.30 h