Participation in the international MonTech project
The school participates in the European project entitled "Blended Montessori-Creative Technologies approach for Successful Inclusion in Multicultural Schools" (MonTech), with a duration of three years from January 2021 to December 2023.
The MonTech project promotes social inclusion and equity in multicultural schools across Europe through motivating and innovative activities, based on a new approach that combines the Montessori Method with creative technology learning. Eight organisations from six countries are involved: Spain, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Ireland and Romania. The coordinating entity is the University of Girona (UdG).
Within the framework of the project, the school has played a key role in the development of the guide "Teaching creative technologies with a Montessori approach", together with the Waterpark Montessori International centre and the UdG.
The creation of the MonTech guide culminated in the organisation of the international meeting "training of trainers", held in Girona from 2 to 4 February 2022. A total of 33 teachers from schools around Europe attended the meeting accompanied by the project partners. The aim of the meeting was to share the guide and to train “teacher trainers”.
These teacher trainers cooperate with the project partners to organise training workshops for primary school teachers in their respective countries, with the aim of making the MonTech guide available to as many multicultural schools as possible across Europe.
Overall, the project aims to bring innovation and educational support to environments disadvantaged due to various circumstances, including socio-economic or immigration, among others, and to improve the management of diversity in the classroom through the activities of the MonTech guide. Internally, these activities will also be conducted in the Primary Education classrooms of the Montessori Palau School. Thus, the current programme related to creative technology and computational thinking will be expanded.
The project is funded by the EU under the "Social inclusion through education, training and youth" action of the ERASMUS+ Programme.
More information about the project can be found at: