History, values and philosophy

The Cultural and Sports Club began its activity in 1969, as one of the fundamental pillars of education in order to meet the sporting and artistic needs of the participants. From its beginnings, it has worked from the bases of effort, performance and values, with the aim of guiding everyday efforts towards improving the individual, whether through sport, music or artistic disciplines.


The Club’s values and educational philosophy

Our premise is:

“Sport, on its own, lacks values, it is us, the athletes and technical teams who must include them if we expect a return in the form of personal growth”.


How do we work on EFFORT during the training sessions?

  • Participating in all proposed activities with intensity and interest.

  • Persisting in practice to improve day-by-day, even if it’s hard or the short-term results are not as expected.

  • Endeavouring to show a proactive attitude, never abandoning or giving up. Doing our best until the very last minute regardless of the result.

  • Commending the desire to fight for the achievement of goals.

How do we work on LEARNING during the training sessions?

  • Proposing training tasks that involve the player in the cognitive, technical, physical and psychological-social aspects. Describing objectives in the 4 dimensions.

  • Showing a humble attitude to the coach’s new proposals. Being open to new learning (new techniques and new ways of playing).

  • Showing eagerness to learn.

  • Being constant in practice to improve day-by-day, even if it’s hard or the short-term results are not as expected.

  • Practising metacognition (reflecting and becoming aware of what has been worked on, what has been learned and what remains to be learned).

  • Presenting tasks where the player has to make decisions: learning based on solving real problems arising from the game.

How do we work on GENEROSITY during the training sessions?

  • Showing an attitude of collaboration with all teammates (exchanging partners and training groups without personal or technical level discrimination).

  • Showing an attitude of collaboration with the different coaches both in terms of attitude (attention to explanations and instruction) and logistically (collecting balls, setting up tables and benches...).

Showing an attitude of service towards the Club, both in terms of participating in the activities that involve volunteering tasks (referees, timers, tables...) and as regarding caring for the facilities and good use of the changing rooms, with the aim of ensuring everyone can enjoy their time spent at the Club.