European Montessori Multi Exchange (EMMEX)
EMMEX (The European Montessori Multi-Exchange) is a student exchange involving multiple European Montessori schools which was designed based on the ideas of Montessori teachers of teenagers from four schools with varying programmes: the Friedberg Montessori Campus (Friedberg, Germany), the Montessoriskolan Lära För Livet (Varberg, Sweden), Montessori Campus Wien (Vienna, Austria) and Montessori Palau Girona.
The aim of EMMEX is to offer students the opportunity to travel, discover and work side-by-side with Montessori teenagers from various countries with differing cultures, taking into account the individual characteristics of the teenager as a ‘reborn’ social being.
At Montessori Palau Girona, we understand that social interaction and cohesion, taking responsibility and identity relating to the place where one lives, are fundamental aspects that must be encouraged during this important period of growth.
The students spend an immensely culturally diverse week within a community of Montessori teenagers that allows them to enjoy a new sense of belonging and which goes beyond the limits of the prepared environment and across national frontiers. As each school uses a different mother-tongue, English is used as the official language of the organisation, both before they meet each other and during the stay. In addition, students have to complete a research project, in English, based on the different “specialities” offered by each of the participating schools.
The participants develop some very important social skills, through hospitality, grace and courtesy, and take part in the different occupations which the various centres offer, a fundamental aspect of the whole Montessori programme for teenagers. They also attend more traditional curricular classes such as mathematics, English language and physical education.